Immigration Support
/Questions & Answers
Am I eligible for OPT?
F-1 students who have been enrolled in legal status for a minimum of nine months are eligible for up to twelve (12) months of Optional Practical Training (OPT) work authorization by the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS). Employment under OPT must be directly related to a student’s field of study and appropriate to the level of education.
When can I apply for OPT?
The earliest you may apply for OPT is 90 days (3-months) prior to the completion of studies*, and the latest you may apply for OPT is 60 days following program completion. It can take several months to receive the OPT work card, so we recommend that you apply at least 90 days prior to the beginning of your intended job opportunity.
What does the immigration service consider “completion of studies?
Completion of studies is the actual date that you complete all requirements for a program of study (i.e. the date of your final exams, or submission of your thesis or dissertation). “Completion of studies” is NOT automatically considered to be the date of graduation ceremonies.
Who qualifies for an H-1B cap-gap extension?
Students must have a timely-filed H-1B petition while the student’s authorized F-1 duration of status (D/S) admission was still in effect. This includes: [1. Students working on post-completion OPT with an end date on or later than April 1 and have a timely-filed H-1B petition. Students on post-completion OPT may continue to work until 9/30 until the H1B begins on 10/1.] [ 2. Students who are currently in their grace period with a timely-filed H-1B petition. These students may stay in the U.S. until the H-1B begins on 10/1, but are not eligible to work during this time.
How does OPT and STEM OPT Extension affect my travel plans?
It depends on variety factors specific to what kind of OPT application, and unique situation. Those are as (Before you get the card for pre-completion OPT: After you get the card for pre-completion OPT:, Before you get the card for post-completion OPT:, After you get the card for post-completion OPT:, STEM OPT extension is pending, and current OPT is unexpired:, STEM OPT extension is pending, and current OPT is expired:, Which one is your’s? To know more detail about your situation talk to our experts for free.
May I cancel my OPT application once I have applied?
Yes, you may request that the OPT application be withdrawn and the recommendation in SEVIS be cancelled, but only if you have recently mailed it to the government. Contact your advisor as soon as possible, if you need to cancel the OPT application. Once your OPT application has been adjudicated (approved) by the immigration service, it can not be cancelled or revoked.
What is the new OPT Extension rule of unemployment days?
Students awarded the 24 month extension: Under the new STEM OPT Extension rule, students are permitted 60 days of unemployment in addition to the 90 days allowed on the initial 12 month period of OPT. Any unused unemployment days from the original 12 months of OPT can be added to the STEM period, allowing a maximum of 150 days of unemployment for STEM students.
What about the Cap-Gap extension?
Students with a timely filed H-1B petition and a request for a change of status may apply to receive a “Cap-Gap” extension of their F-1 status and, if applicable, their post completion allows such students to automatically extend the duration of their F-1 status and any current post-completion OPT employment authorization until the first day of the new fiscal year (I.e., Oct. 1 of the fiscal year for which the H-1B status is being requested.
Do I have to use the entire 12-month OPT period at once, or may I use it increments?
OPT may be used in “chunks” during an annual vacation term before completion of studies, but after completion of studies it may only be used as a single block of time (minus the difference of any previously used OPT time).
I'm a new student here. Can I apply for CPT?
Only after you have completed two continuous academic semesters as a student will you be eligible to apply for CPT. This means that if you arrived in the United States as a new F-1 student in the fall semester, you can begin working on CPT after the last day of classes in May. If you arrived as a new student in January (spring semester), then you can begin work under CPT after fall semester classes end.
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